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Transcendental Meditation for Inner Peace and Reduced Stress

Transcendental Meditation for Inner Peace and Reduced Stress

Our founder—Maharishi Mahesh Yogi—revived the complete knowledge of Ayurveda, including the Transcendental Meditation (T.M.) program for stress reduction and inner peace. Now more than ever, as stress and lack of focus and clarity among other concerns are on the rise in our fast-paced world, people of all backgrounds are learning T.M. with life-changing results.

What is T.M.? It’s a simple, natural, effortless technique practiced 20 minutes twice daily while sitting comfortably with the eyes closed. During the practice of TM, the mind easily settles to a state of deep silence, or pure consciousness, also known as restful alertness. 

T.M. is not a religion, philosophy, guided meditation, breathwork, or passing trend. It is rooted in science and a respected stress-management tool practiced by over six million people worldwide, of all ages, cultures, beliefs, backgrounds, and lifestyles. 

The David Lynch Foundation—a global charitable foundation—teaches T.M. to under-served, at-risk populations such as veterans, inner-city students, and women and children survivors of violence and abuse. Through their wide-spread education and teaching efforts, DLF has taught the stress-reducing technique to more than 500,000 children and adults.  

How does it work? The technique is taught one-on-one by a certified T.M. teacher in-person over four days. The instructor provides a personalized mantra to repeat that allows the mind to naturally and enjoyably transcend. Much like the surface of the ocean, the mind can be choppy and tumultuous, but T.M. allows the mind to settle down to naturally silent, still depths like the quiet ocean floor. 

Hundreds of published research studies show major benefits for mental health, reduced workplace stress, improved cardiovascular health, and much more. 

How to learn? Visit to find a certified T.M. teacher near you.  

The bottom line: Achieve a new level of rest and resilience by investing just 20 minutes twice a day to practice T.M. Watch as it creates a ripple effect in your life, and those around you!